ssd1306 interface component for esp-idf

Docs: couldn't get build status

simple wrapper for setting up ssd1306 screens and interfacing with them see issue #2 on esp32-warm-water

how to use project

  1. run git submodule add components/esp32-ssd1306 in your main project
  2. configure project if needed
  3. #include "ssd1306.h" should give you access to this component.

if the above steps don't work then you may need to run git submodule init components/esp32-ssd1306 and then git submodule update --remote --recursive in your main project

folder contents

the component esp32-ssd1306 contains three source files in C lang: ssd1306.c, ssd1306_i2c.c and ssd1306_spi.c. the files are located in root folder.

esp-idf projects are build using cmake. the project build configuration is contained in CMakeLists.txt files that provide set of directives and instructions describing the project's source files and targets (executable, library, or both).

below is short explanation of remaining files in the project folder.

├── include header file directory
│   ├── font8x8_basic.h default basic font
│   ├── font8x8_readable.h cleaner more plain font
│   ├── font8x8_space.h artistic interpretation of a space font
│   └── ssd1306.h the main header file for this component
├── .gitignore describes what files and folders git should ignore
├── .travis.yml build rules for creating docs via doxygen
├── CMakeLists.txt base project cmake file (describes dependencies, include dir and src dir)
├── component make file
├── Kconfig.projbuild kconfig description file to add build time vars
├── MIT license file
├── this file
├── ssd1306_i2c.c i2c interface src file of the component
├── ssd1306_spi.c spi interface src file of the component
└── ssd1306.c core src file of the component

for more information on structure and contents of esp-idf projects, please refer to Section Build System of the esp-idf programming guide.


automatically generated API documentation (doxygen) is available here.


the code in this project is licensed under the MIT license - see LICENSE for details.

helpful commands

  • git submodule update --remote --recursive - updates the checked out modules to the most recent commit to their main branch